A Patient's Guide to The Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants have helped many patients with teeth problems smile again. They fulfill all the functions of a healthy natural tooth and improve the patient's appearance.
Patients who would benefit from dental implants may have concerns about the procedure. This blog explains every step of the procedure and provides answers to commonly asked questions.
The Dental Implant Procedure
Step 1: Consultation
During your implant consultation, your dentist will explain the benefits and risks. They will assess your oral health and facial anatomy using diagnostic images. Your dentist will check for jawbone density. A robust jawbone can safely hold a dental implant anchor. If you need more bone to support the anchor, you can receive a bone graft from an oral surgeon.
Step 2: Tooth Extraction
Any existing tooth needs to be removed before an implant can be placed. Dentists can sometimes place the implant using the same procedure as removing the damaged tooth.
Step 3: Bone Grafting
If you need improved bone density, you will visit an oral surgeon for a bone graft. A bone graft involves placing a sterilized bone material in your jawbone and covering it with a dissolvable membrane. Over six to nine months, the grafted bone will provide a framework for natural bone to grow.
Step 4: Anchor Placement
The next step is adding the dental implant anchor. The anchor is a small titanium post the dentist surgically implants in the jawbone. To set the post, the dentist makes a small opening in your gum, opens the bone with a specialized tool, and inserts the anchor. Then, they suture the gums closed.
The biocompatible titanium anchor will bond with the jawbone in a natural process called osseointegration, creating a durable base for your restoration.
Step 5: Abutment Placement
After the implant post heals, the dentist will place the abutment. An abutment is a stainless steel cap that fits over the implant post.
Step 6: Restoration
When the anchor and abutment heal, it is time to place the restoration. For a single-tooth dental implant, the dentist places a dental crown and torques it tightly into place for a perfect fit.
Healing From Dental Implant Surgery
After surgery, you may experience discomfort. Follow your dentist's post-surgical instructions for best results.
Start with a liquid diet after surgery. As you heal, you can gradually add your favorite foods as your comfort permits.
Advantages of Dental Implants
A dental implant feels very much like a natural tooth. Unlike conventional dentures, it does not slip, click, or trap food.
A dental implant fits seamlessly into your smile, creating a healthy, vibrant appearance.
Excellent Chewing Ability
With dental implants, you can eat nearly any food without issues.
Promote Jawbone Strength
Unlike a traditional bridge, a dental implant bonds with the jawbone, creating healthier bone mass. Lowered bone mass due to tooth loss can lead to a sunken facial appearance characteristic of advanced age.
Protect Oral Health
A dental implant is more than a cosmetic fix: it can protect you from tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems by eliminating gaps between teeth.
How to Care For Your Dental Implant
Single-tooth dental implants need the same care as healthy natural teeth. Brush twice daily, floss routinely, and visit your dentist as required.
Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants
Who is a good candidate for dental implants?
Successful implant candidates share the following characteristics:
- Healthy gums
- Excellent oral hygiene habits
- Sufficient jawbone mass or ability to undergo bone grafting
- Absence of conditions that impede healing (uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, etc.)
- Non-smoker or able to quit
What happens if I don't replace an extracted tooth?
If you neglect to replace an extracted tooth, your remaining teeth may move, disrupting your dental bite and creating gaps. Food and plaque collect in the gaps, causing decay and gum disease.
Your jawbone may begin to reabsorb around the empty socket, creating a sunken appearance. You may feel self-conscious and unwilling to smile in public.
Call Ridgeview Family Dental
Dental implants can complete your smile and help you feel great about your appearance. They also improve your oral health.
If you want to learn more about dental implants, please call our Jonesborough, TN, office at 423-753-9191 to schedule a consultation. Our expert dentists can show you how they can transform your smile and boost oral health.